> Hello World !!!



Basic Usage of URL Pattern API


The URL Pattern API provides a way to define and match URL patterns on the web platform. It supports wildcards, named groups, and regular expression groups, allowing you to match entire URLs or specific components.


Basic Usage

1. Creating a URLPattern

You can create a URLPattern object to define a URL pattern. Patterns can be specified using an object for each URL component or as a string for the entire URL.

// Define pattern using an object
const pattern = new URLPattern({ pathname: '/books/:id' });

// Define pattern using a string
const patternString = new URLPattern('https://example.com/books/:id');

2. Matching Patterns

Use the test() method to check if a specific URL matches the pattern.

console.log(pattern.test('https://example.com/books/123')); // true
console.log(patternString.test('https://example.com/books/456')); // true

3. Extracting Groups

The exec() method allows you to extract matching parts, which is useful for named groups.

const result = pattern.exec('https://example.com/books/123');
console.log(result.pathname.groups.id); // '123'

4. Using Wildcards and Regular Expressions

Patterns can include wildcards (*) or regular expressions.

const wildcardPattern = new URLPattern({ hostname: '*', pathname: '/foo/*' });
console.log(wildcardPattern.test('https://anydomain.com/foo/bar')); // true

const regexPattern = new URLPattern('/post/:id(\\d+)');
const namedGroup = regexPattern.exec('https://example.com/post/123').pathname.groups;
console.log(namedGroup.id); // '123'


  • Browser Support: This API is supported in some browsers like Chrome, Edge, and Opera.
  • Experimental Feature: Ensure compatibility before using it in production environments.

The URL Pattern API helps standardize routing in web applications by providing a structured way to handle URLs.
